Dr. Grove obtained her undergraduate Physical Therapy degree from Temple University and her graduate Physical Therapy degree from Utica College. She has dedicated 40+ years to performing field work in physical therapy in the traditional medical model. The vastness of her field experience includes treating all ages (newborn to 90+). However, her passion has always been working with chronic pain, chronic-illness, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative patients who have had poor success with their pain management despite countless visits to providers. 

She has always rooted for the underdog and spent many years researching, learning updates in many areas to include chronic pain management, pain mechanisms, health and wellness, nutrition, injury prevention and recovery to better equip her to service individuals who crossed her pathway. Her latest passion has been acting as a patient advocate for patients dealing with chronic pain and disabilities. Her goal is to increase the public sector’s awareness of the plight of chronic pain/disabled patients who suffer silently, and also become an effective instrument ensuring patients receive the treatment that they desperately need and deserve. Dr. Grove has successfully used her medical knowledge and chronic pain management strategies to disseminate information through workshops for groups, organizations, and individual advising and advocacy.

She ventured into the pursuit of doctoral studies in education in 2010 at University of St. Augustine since she felt that education would be one of the greatest assets to offer this poorly served group of individuals. 

Not only, is she a professional businessperson, but she is a proud women of strong faith, who has raised 3 children and now has 3 grandchildren. She shares the plight of the struggling autoimmune patients for she lost her brother (best friend) to a rare autoimmune disorder in 2020 and her 26-year-old daughter struggling with chronic pain throughout her college years-was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis at 23 years old in 2021. 

She now graciously, yet with zeal and confidence brings to the table an online educational platform featuring 2 classes in conjunction with her Wellness Pain Be Gone Strategies TM as an action plan that every student can be taught to successfully follow.