The "Let's Achieve Change" Podcast

Podcast Introduction : Promoting  public awareness of Health and Wellness Issues especially as it  pertains to Chronic Pain and Disabilities. An advocacy channel for the promotion of change while serving as a Voice for those Silent Sufferers.

Podcast Episodes and Descriptions

  • This episode will begin to address the consequences of delayed and or improper intervention when we get hurt. There will be (2) guests who will share their chronic pain journey.  Also the subject of Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis will be briefly introduced since it's often the result of delayed intervention.  

    There will be a re cap of previous episodes as well as as the important tie-ins with the subject matter.

  • This Episode will further address harmful results to our bodily structures as a consequence of improper types of intervention as well as the result of delayed interventions.  Christine our guest this week will reveal the intricacies of her story. She will unveil both improper types of interventions as well as the harm that she experienced to her bodily structures a result of delayed intervention.

    There will be a re cap of previous episodes as well as as the important tie-ins with the subject matter.

  • This episode will return back to the subject of Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis Arthritis introduced in episode one. During this episode more details and statistics will be shared on the topic. Our next guest, Tameka will bravely reveal the frustrations she experienced navigating the referral process to obtain timely intervention of her insidious symptoms.

    There will be a re cap of previous episodes as well as as the important tie-ins with the subject matter.

  • This Episode will address some of experiences associated with misdiagnoses, dismissals, delayed interventions and gaslighting that are commonly shared among chronic pain and disabled sufferers. The term “The Gaslight Effect” coined by Dr. Robin Stern will be discussed. Our (2) guests today- Lindsay and Christine will openly share some of their experiences pertaining to this topic.

  • In this Episode- Our guest, Barb, will share her traumatic injury and how her accident resulted in life altering changes. She does convey the beauty of having great support allowing her to manage the future challenges of raising a family and job force obligations. This episode will lightly return to the subject of steroids brought up by Charles in episode 1 (i.e. bony structure changes after long term use of steroids/early detection of bony structural changes). Some other mishaps accompanying chronic pain and disabilities that need even further elaboration (i.e. depression, financial struggles, relationships shifts and some side effects of prescribed and OTC medications) experienced by many chronic pain and disabled persons) will continue to be unraveled in the subsequent episodes.

    There will be a re cap of previous episodes as well as as the important tie-ins with the subject matter.

  • In this Episode, we further address (2) issues that easily become factors that those with chronic pain and disability might have to tackle along their journey. The objective in this episode is to educate you further on these issues while making some hopeful recommendations.

  • This episode begins Part I of a 3-4-part segment focusing Caregivers who have in the past or continue to act in the capacity of caregiver. The goals of this segment is to1) provide some insight into the lives of those acting in such a capacity 2) provide some practical tips that might benefit others with similar circumstances and 3) offer the Caregivers the opportunity to verbally debrief.


Get in touch!

Would you like to be featured on our podcast? Do you have a story that needs to be told or know someone who you would like to see interviewed? Or! Do you want to see more topics explored and discussed? Fill out the form below! Can’t wait to hear from you!

